Unsere Akkus sind sicher, weil sie auch unter extremen Bedingungen nicht brennbar sind. Dies bietet eine zuverlässige und risikofreie Energiequelle für kritische Anwendungen.
Unsere Akkus liefern über ihre gesamte Lebensdauer hinweg eine gleichbleibend hohe Leistung. Dank modernster Technologie bleibt die Energieeffizienz konstant – selbst nach zahlreichen Ladezyklen.
Für die Produktion werden keine kritischen Rohstoffe benötigt. Dieser Ansatz trägt im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Lithium-Ionen-Batterien zur Verbesserung der Umweltbilanz bei.
Unsere Akkus zeichnen sich durch ihre extreme Haltbarkeit aus, was langfristig Kosten spart und Ressourcen schont. Eine Investition in unsere Technologie ist eine Investition in die Zukunft.
Unsere Akkus sind so konzipiert, dass sie bei jedem Ladezustand voll funktionsfähig sind. Dies bietet maximale Flexibilität und Zuverlässigkeit in allen Anwendungen, unabhängig vom Ladezustand.

Swiss Clean Battery AG, based in Frauenfeld, is implementing one of the first series production plants for solid-state batteries in Europe
We have the only exclusive license to date for mass production of these solid-state batteries and an additional license to market industrial storage systems in Switzerland and Germany. With us, the energy revolution can be successful: affordable, clean, sustainable, durable and safe.
Unique opportunity to invest in Swiss Clean Battery AG — the technology leader in solid-state batteries
With regard to technology and the factory, we are ready: The solid-state battery, plant and machine manufacturers, architects and production planners are orchestrated to implement series production.
The search for investors, partners and external capital providers is currently ongoing. Two years after a financing commitment, the first energy storage systems are to be delivered. Until then, we will implement technology-open storage projects.
Solid-state batteries are the

The energy and mobility revolution absolutely needs efficient storage technologies. In order for electricity production to be able to dispense with fossil fuels in the long term, electricity producers, grid operators and consumers primarily need powerful intermediate storage systems.
Like the new basic technology from High Performance Battery Technology GmbH. Their solid-state battery based on their groundbreaking electrolyte is the missing component so far: affordable, a 50 percent better environmental balance than conventional lithium-ion batteries and extremely durable.
The market potential for stationary energy storage systems is enormous: according to current calculations, the demand for buffer storage systems is >100GWh (→ Source Fraunhofer).

The battery itself is approx. 130x180x25mm in size and has a modular design. The cell design is prismatic and is surrounded by a stainless steel housing. Eight cells are installed per module, with an output of approximately 1.3 kWh per module.
The design of the storage systems is modular in two ways: The outer shell follows a standard version, which is variable in terms of module configuration. For industrial storage systems, the storage unit is designed for 200 kWh; 10 storage units require approximately the space of an overseas container and would then have a capacity of 2 MWh. For home storage, the storage unit is designed for 10 kWh; for high requirements, up to three storage units can be combined for a household.
Both storage designs can be operated equally with the same cell production.

fields of application
In future, battery storage systems can play an important role in managing electricity generation that fluctuates with wind or photovoltaics, or help to minimize the required network expansion and at the same time improve charging comfort.
Swiss Clean Battery focuses on the stationary fields of application of “home storage” and “industrial buffer”, because the demand and contribution to solving problems in the energy transition is equally great here.
An uninterrupted power supply, i.e. the balance between supply and demand, is essential for the power grid as a whole and for industry.
Power outages or blackouts must be prevented, but with increased use of renewable energies and the volatility in power generation, these are becoming increasingly likely.
Industrial buffers for data centers, energy-intensive industries, the power grids themselves or for neighborhood solutions can contribute to grid stability. Positive effect: a peak load reduction leads to savings in electrical energy costs when used successfully on the consumer side. It also contributes to relieving the load on power grids and grid infrastructure, as they must be dimensioned for the maximum load situation.
Our production process

01 Established production processes
The manufacturing processes for solid-state batteries with liquid electrolytes have been tried and tested in many ways. The chemistry of our solid conductor allows the novel solid conductor to be manufactured within the battery cell and uses the production processes for batteries with liquid electrolyte.
There is no need to develop and test new production technologies. This reduces implementation risks “from laboratory to production” compared to other solid-state battery projects and makes our technology an attractive investment.

02 Renowned partners
Production will be modular; three 400 MWh production modules will be built in the first expansion stage in order to achieve the target 1.2 gigawatt hours of capacity. The high standardization of factory construction promotes economies of scale and rapid implementation, so that the total capacity of 7.6 gigawatt hours will be reached in just a few years.
When building the factory and equipping it with the necessary production facilities, Swiss Clean Battery draws on established and renowned partners. Jonas & Redmann (Berlin), Munters (Hamburg), Dalex (Knowledge) and Metha Bau (Amriswil), for example, are on board.

03 Known location
A factory is to be built in Domat-Ems directly on the A13 motorway, where the canton of Grisons has promised a plot of land. Alternative locations in the EU will be considered. In terms of an accelerator approach, starting production with a 100 MWh plant with around 50 employees and 625,000 batteries/year is a promising option.
In the following expansion phase of 1.2 gigawatt hours per year, around 7.5 million batteries will be produced. In the future, the factory is expected to deliver 7.6 gigawatt hours annually with 47.5 million batteries.
There are already concrete plans for other European countries to acquire appropriate licenses and open up locations — for example in Germany, Austria or Spain.

04 Service
The installation of home or industrial storage systems requires careful planning. Goals, storage requirements, and storage sizing are important factors in planning. In doing so, we rely on a holistic approach.
Which PV systems exist or should be expanded, which load peaks define the design, should charging stations be installed or does it make sense to market the free storage spaces — possibly together with other users? From these components, we develop a sustainable and cost-effective storage system to offer users an optimal solution.
We are committed to acting sustainably along the value chain and having it regularly audited. We are committed to the sustainability approach and, with regard to the energy and mobility revolution — together with the developer and licensor High Performance Battery Technology GmbH — follow the maxim:

For the construction of the first production plant, among other things, to generate the majority of the required electricity through PV systems, to select suppliers and partners based on their ESG compliance. To give preference to regionality whenever possible and to adapt work and production processes to environmental compatibility.
Our batteries already have a life span of 10 times longer than conventional lithium-ion batteries — critical raw materials are used in a significantly reduced manner, which is why we are also making our contribution here.
Please feel free to contact us
if you have any questions or requests.
We are always ready to help and support you if you have any project requests or specific questions.